Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Did you know the Partnership for a Drug free America was funded by alcohol and tobacco companies?

those companies are always trying to "do good" when their products are so harmful. I nearly laugh myself to death when I see a stop smoking ad from Phillip Morse.

Top 5 QBs you would want on your team if you were a head coach?

1) Peyton Manning because he has accurate pes and understands he plays and can pick the best on. 2) Tom Brady because he is a great quarter back and one of the best in th NFL 3) Micheal Vick, even though I don't like him he has made a great comeback and is overall a great quarterback. 4) Aaron Rodgers because he has shown we wants to be great and he trys to be great. 5) Phillip Rivers, overall a good quarter back

Do you think that one of this president's greatest crimes (besides the war and the of our Constitution) i

the politicizing of the scientific and medical communities? We used to be innovators. We used to have scientific breakthroughs every week - and yes - we still do - but we know for a fact that Bush has used his jesus beliefs to put pressure on scientists to hide the FACTS of global warming. I had to follow the majority rules when you idiots elected this moron - you have to do the same on the global warming. there are a handful of Regent "college" graduates that were trained to think that global warming is a myth - and the bush crime administration puts pressure on everyone to downplay it - all so his corporate backers don't have to make changes to cut into his profits. I only hope that when the **** truly hits the fan - it's his daughters that are hit by the carnage. Also - why in the hell would he see fit to censor the surgeon general? Why would he want his jesus beliefs to halt medical science? Why is he such an egomaniacle idiot that he had to hear his name nine times in

Does anyone know of a wreckers yard close to St Kilda,Melbourne 3182 for a windscreen for a Holden Barina 1989?

I am looking to get a cheap windscreen for a Holden Barina 1989 hatchback, does anyone know of a cheap wreckers in st kilda, melbourne, australia or a private mechanic that can do this job for cheap cheap??

Should I do Ares or Hades for my project?

I have to do a research report on the topic of my shoice and i chose Greek Mythology and i need to narrow it down to one god and i love that whole war thing ares has going on and that lord of the dead and underworld thing hades has so plese help me choose!!!!!!

Question?? is it mean to leave a cat indoors?

i let my kitty outside to play but she is still to young to be able to jump the fence to explore the front but im sure soon enough she will be able to jump it and too be honest i never want her to go out side is that mean? i know cats like to explore and go hunting but from past cats i have had they sometimes come home bleeding from fights and i just seen on the news some random woman putting a poor cat in the bin. She has many toys and places to roam in the house is that enough for her or is that mean to want to keep her indoors. Also one more question she is absolutely petrified of my room i don't know why every time i bring her in there to hang out with me or to sleep on my bed and as soon as my heads turn she bolts and hides :( why?

What are things you can do during a 30 hours famine?

My volunteer group is having a 30 hour famine. We're trying to figure out things to do during the 30 hours. Do you have any ideas for what we could do to fill the time?

Article on Rihannas "Umbrella" Being about a devil worshipper?

that is mad! no way is the song about Devil worship. they are reading far too much into the lyrics and the video. if you listen to any song you can interpret it how you want. and it seems the people that wrote that article want it to be satanic. of all the songs that have been around, Umbrella is the least song of all anyone could think that of. it's about a girl saying that whether things are going well or not she will always be there for him. Not the devil, her boyfriend. these people are mad.

Are there health risks in being exposed to wood burners?

My neighbors installed one of the 'new' outdoor woodburners last fall and ever since then our house smells of smoke. The dogs come in smelling smoky. We hang clothes outside to dry...they dry full of the smoky smell. My husband has breathing problems that have escalated 10 fold, I have bloody noses, watery irritated eyes and sore throats and congestion. My husband talked to the neighbor, and he said he thought he might have a problem with the height of his chimney. Well he did have someone put up a taller one but the situation gets worse everyday that we are exposed to this irritant. Even one of my German Shepherds has developed a wheeze, and another one has eyes that run and matter all the time. We have no ordinances against these burners, yet I feel like not only has this neighbor ruined our lives environmentally, he is also threatening our health. Any suggestions at all will be appreciated.

Is there anyone that lil b doesn't look like?

according to his songs he literally looks like Mick Jagger, Ellen Degeneres, Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber, Mel Gibson, Charlie Sheen, Dr. Phil, Jesus, God, the devil, you and me. Is there anyone he doesn't look like? and more importantly how is he able to look like all these people at once?

Will it harm my Ford Focus to drive 100 miles every day with overdrive off? I live in Georgia (somewhat hilly)

2004 Ford Focus - Automatic Transmission - only 80,000 miles - I don't get paid for two weeks so I'm wondering if this can wait.

Lawrence to 5/8 against the Broncos?

In my opinion, too many late changes. I would have rather seen them stick with the original line up announced where Fitzy was at 7 and Benji was at 6. But I can understand their reasoning behind the change. I just question the timing.

How do you prefer to buy your cheddar cheese?

I usually buy my cheddar cheese in blocks. The reason for this is that it's both easier to slice equal-sized pieces to go on things like crackers and you can grate it more easily for recipe dishes. I usually don't like pre-sliced cheddar (just a prejudice of mine, I suppose). The wheel is better if you serve it as is and allow your guests to slice chunks, but I usually slice it before guests come over. Is one way better than another? I doubt it.

Can we PLEASE not bring up AL Gore's pending divorce as political fodder?

Yes I do. They are not propoganda. Global warming is real and as you can see capitalism is destroying our earth. It is our true enemy.

As a beginner Java programmer, do you have any ideas of what programs I should create?

I took a course on C++, so I pretty much know the syntax of Java. However, I want to program things that require OOP so that I can get some experience with that.If possible, please provide multiple ideas that will keep me busy for a while.

Football Burnout Help?

Who's #1? You are. You will never be able to please all of the people in your life, so don't try. You can only do what makes you happy and try to be a good person. Football sounds like it is making you miserable. I know you don't want to disappoint people, but they will get over it. I would quit now because you don't want to let your teammates down, or coaches down once the season really gets under way. It will be okay even though it seems like a big deal now.

Do the five elements of tao have any satanic history?

I would say no however just don't go on my word research both religions and meditate on what you find.

Hey! People over 30 am looking for good new music.........all genre's except rap and country. Love loud......

Disturbed,Finger 11,Velvet Revolver,System of the Down,STP,Hinder,Limp Bizkit,Godsmack,Saliva,Three Days Grace,Aerosmith, and I love all southern rock.You could try to post it in music.The quetion is good,it just depends on timing in this section and who is on.I will give you a star and see if you can get any other responses.

Why do modern military theorists call military geniouses stupid for making mistakes,and think war is easy?

I keep hearing modern day military theorists call Brilliant commanders in the past stupid for making fatal erros(such as Napoleon's invasion of Russia.Frederick the Great's overreliance of Heavy Infantry,and the Knights Tempklar's defeats in the Crusades),treating war like an easy game!But these military commanders had MUCH LESS access to information to the past unlike today!For example,modern military theorists keep calling the Knights Templars stupid for falling into the Arab's strategy of luring them into the desert and making the die of thirst.But the Knigthts Templars had EXTRMELY LIMITED knowledge of the Middle Easter terrain and warfare!Despite lack of information of the desert and Arab warfare,Arab generals and warriors still described the Knights Templars as cautious commanders in war who used brilliant military tactics and strategies!If the Arabs called Templars military geniuses,how come modern military theorists keep calling them stupid?These military theorists keep calling Frederic the Great a stupid commander for heavily relying on Infantry.Although his overreliance of infantry caused him some battle,it was generally extremely effective,and European generals called Frederick's Infantry tactics superbly brilliant.How come modern military theorists call him a fool?And the NUMBER 1 thing that pisses me off is that these military theorists treat war like a simple game,bragging they could easily command armies and win battles!HOW COME MILITARY THEORISTS ARE LIKE THIS?

What experience did Field Marshall Haig have before WWI?

Can anybody give me some information about the training that Haig had before WWI? My teacher said it was unsuitable for WWI but I can't remember what he said about Haig's training! Thanks if you can help. :D

How should spackled and sanded drywall be prepared for primer and paint?

When the spackling and sanding is finished, should the wall be wiped down with a dry rag or a damp rag or sponge to get rid of the fine dust. Will a damp sponge ruin the sanded spackling?

Can i charge sales taxes to a tax exempt business?

just started my own co. i sold a job to an apartment property that has a tax exemption. i can charge taxes to another type buisiness in texas

How do I find out if my boyfriend is a member/subscriber to any internet dating sites or sites?

My boyfriend left his email up on my computer one day, so I took a peek. I shouldn't have, because i saw old emails from dating websites. I was NOT a happy camper, to say the least. So, being psycho, I further investigated his emails and internet dating acounts and realized that he hadn't logged on or been active on the sites for a long time, approximately 1 month BEFORE we started dating. Who felt like an ? ME. Well, of course I got over feeling bad about it, and later tried to check up on him again via myspace. (I know I shouldnt have been doing all this, and I know Im psycho, but thats not the point). On myspace, some messages were exchanged between my boyfriend and some girl id never heard of before. I continued to read the rest of their conversation and immediately puked. I had never felt so hurt in my life. My boyfriend had apparently asked the girl if she ever wanted to **** to call him at his cell number. I totally flipped. I called my bf crying and vomiting wondering why he did that and that i couldnt be with him anymore. Well, later that afternoon, after numerous conversations with my bf to straighten this out, his best friend called me. The friend said that there was no way my bf would ever do that, and it had to have been a cruel joke by someone my bf knows. Then the friend made me go look at the girl's profile my bf had been chatting with, and thats when I realized that she was not cute at all, and was knocked up with her 2nd child at the age of 19, and (i hope i dont offend anyone) she had cerebal palsy and she looked deformed. I finally settled down, trusting the friend and my boyfriend who said he would never do that to me and he wouldnt have given me his myspace pword if he had something to hide. Well, months went by, and i found a virus on my computer. After further investigation of the 'cookies' on the computer, i found a screen name that was clearly my boyfriend's, and it was one i'd never seen before. Naturally, i 'investigated further', and found a thousand or so messages from sites on his email! i was mortified again, even though most of them were unread. HE HAD THE NERVE TO LOG ON TO THIS EMAIL ON MY COMPUTER! After a loooonnnngggg period of 'lindsey not trusting cory', I want to make sure he cleaned up his act like he said he would and start from scratch. How do I find out if he is on any internet dating sites, sites, or has alternate email addresses? please help..our 1 year anniversary is next month..Am I an idiot?

Nesecito una opinion sincera?

Disculpen porfavor la falta de ortografia, me crie en USA, quiciera que alguien me diera su opinion, conosi a una chica por internet, eso ya hace 6 a�os, al prinsipio ella demostro muchisimo interes, sin importarle lo que le decian de mi sus amistades y familiares, tal como "esta feo para ti" "no hacen pareja" "que baja estima tienes que andas con alguien asi" y varias cosas mas, yo nunca me considere feo ni tampoco guapo, pero fue una experiencia unica eso que me paso con esas personas que opinen de esa manera, el caso es que ella al principio demostro mucho interes en mi, ubo una entrega completa y me decia que me amaba mucho que no la dejara, a los pocos meces de repente me dijo que no sabia lo que sentia, yo estando en USA fui de inmediato a ver que pasaba, de esto hablo de meces de la relasion, al llegar alla a los dias me dijo que no me amaba y me corto, para mi fue fuerte eso, ya que de verdad empesaba a sentir muy bonito por ella, (estoy omitiendo muchos detalles para no aser la carta muy larga) me regrese a USA muy triste y a el mes me escribio pidiendome que me comunicara con ella, yo estaba mal, nesecitaba como un salvavidas y me agarre de eso, le llame y al poco tiempo ya estabamos de novios de nuevo, se vino a vivir conmigo a X ciudad, yo concidere que no le precentaria a mis hijos hasta no estar seguro de ella y que de verdad me ama y es cincera con sus sentimientos, pero ella incistia en que le precentara a mis hijos, yo no lo hice por lo ya comentado, ella siempre me dio mucha inseguridad emosional, siempre me comparaba con sus anteriores parejas, las veces que se enojo, aunque tenia razon en el enojo, me ofendia de una manera fea, umillante, en sus conversaciones de una manera o otra siempre salia a flote lo feliz que fue con su segunda pareja, que esa pareja la ense�o a amar, que el o con el de verdad que si supo que era que con el si lo disfruto por primera ves, que con el primero eso no paso, en fin, cosas que me molestaron y me daban mucha inseguridad sobre su amor hacia mi, y por ello lo de mantener sierta recerva sobre mis hijos con ella... la cosa es que aun asi, me siento demasiado atraido hacia su persona, siento que la amo apesar de todo, ahora ella esta apunto de casarse conmigo, no quiero equivocarme, le pregunto que si me ama y me dise que si y al otro dia me dise que no esta segura, hace como unos 8 meces hizo algo que me molesto, me dijo que saldria con unas amigas a una fiesta de puras mujeres, yo le dije que estaba bien, solo que yo le llebaria, y que me llamara para recojerla cuando ya este lista, y ella insistio de una manera rara en que no la llebara yo, que ya tenia su bolsa en el carro de una amiga y que se iria con ella, le dije, ok, entonces yo voy por ti, solo dime donde es la fiesta, y me dijo que no, que ya habia quedado de venirse con la amiga, en fin, eso no me sono logico y apartir de alli tubimos problemas por que al final demostre enojo y termine llebandola yo y al llegar vi la primera mentira, no era una fiesta de solo mujeres, habia hombres tambien, apartir de esas fechas, no hemos tenido relasiones uales por que dise que se siente enferma, que le duele y que la sensasion se le fue, que no sabe que le pasa pero que aparte de que le duele mucho, que no siente ganas de hacer el amor, le he preguntado muchisimo hasta el enfado que que siente por mi, que si ya no me ama, y me dise que si (aunque al otro dia me dise que solo me quiere mucho) pero que solo es eso, que no tiene ganas, ya tenemos asi 9 meces y la verdad me siento desesperado, no se que pensar, no me quiero equivocar, es decir, dejarla porque llegue a la conclusion que en verdad solo me nesecita economicamente y que esas son escusas, y despues darme cuenta que cometi un error al no ser comprensivo y que en realidad si estaba enferma, yo si estubiera seguro de su amor, la esperaria toda lal vida, sin duda a equivocarme, pero me siento tan inseguro que no se que pensar y muchomenos que hacer... bueno, son muchisimas cosas que deje afuera de esta historia, solo quiero hacer la historia corta y que ojala me conteste alguien que me pueda dar un consejo sabio, algo que me ayude un poco a ubicarme, se que es dificil asi nadamas sin conocer mas detalles, pero en esencia es lo que estoy pasando, gracias

Does anyone know the history of using Red / Green for signalling? (Colour Blindness question.)?

Well,the signaling system is based on the refractive index of the colors.When light pes through one side of a prism,a spectrum is formed.Red on the top then orange,yellow,green etc.....red can be seen from a far distance than yellow and green.So red is placed on the top, yellow in the middle and green in the bottom......very few people really interested in such type of questions. "Visible light" corresponds to a wavelength range of 400-700 nanometers and a color range of violet through red.The visible colors from shortest to longest wavelength are violet,blue,green,yellow,orange and red.Yellow is natural color(sunlight). Red and orange are similar so two colors i.e.red and green with highest wavelength are used in any signaling system.

Graduating college next week, visiting a few friends in San Francisco and i want to start a career there?

AT&T-Pacific Bell is a good company to work for. I believe they're currently hiring fiber-optic installers. I visited SF last year and I was talking to a Pacific Bell guy at a bar (Al's Elbow Room, Mission St near the southern end of SF, very friendly place) and I recently looked at their employment website (at att.com) and they're still hiring.

Characters with short blonde hair?

Tinkerbell, Rita Skeeter, Twiggy, or you could just do an old Hollywood hairstyle with a slinky dress and a toy gun and be a femme fatale.

Self Employment tax help?

OK a little help please as im sooooooooo confused. next week i am going to be starting a courier job that is self employed. It is 5 days a week but for 2 evenings a week i am going to be doing a night job where my employer will pay my tax. so basically i'll have a fulltime self employed job and a part time job where my tax is paid for me. I need help as ive heard you have to register to be self employed and i dont know how to do this and also how it will affect the tax i pay to my evening job. The catch is, in around 4-6 weeks it looks like i could have found a job that is full time and better paid than both the above 2 jobs together and ISNT self employed. My questions are: 1) how do i register self employed 2) how will having a fulltime self employed job affect my 2nd job 3) (most importantly) in 4-6 weeks if i start the new job and stop doing both the other jobs (self employed and evening), do i have to tell my new employer i was self employed and do i have to de-register as self employed? and finally 4) if i am only going to be self employed for 4-8 weeks (max) when would i pay my self employment tax? i know theres alot of details and questions but i dont have a clue and ANY advice/help would be much appreciated thanks.

Can a professional bleach my hair white in one go?

I want to bleach my hair white this summer. Problem is, my parents will only allow it if I get it bleached professionally and pay for it myself (yikes!) It's medium red right now, and if I can avoid it I don't want to bleach it in stages over several weeks. So if I have it bleached professionally, can they get it snowy white in just one go?

Anyone know much about Shingles and nerve damage?

I just read in a magazine that Shingles can lead to nerve damage, and I think there might be a connection with this problem I have. I got Shingles when I was about 15, which I've heard is rare for young people, but coming up until I had it, whenever I had maybe a slight anxiety attack or even just something minor that stressed me out a little, I'd get like this wave of sharp, burning pin pricks all over my back, so maybe there's a connection there? And also I think I have some nerve damage on the top of my back where the Shingles rash was, because it's kind of numb, yet anything that touches it, say if it's warm feels like it's burning or is slightly cool, feels like ice burn. I thought I had hurt my back at work and that's what caused it, but now I thinking maybe it's from the Shingles? Anyone know?

Hey musicians: what would you rather have, a fender strat or tele(no fender haters)?

i play guitar for my school stageband and im thinking about getting a new guitar. i love fenders and they dont look weird for stageband. but i can decide between a tele or a strat. which one would you musicians pick and why.(go away you stupid fender haters)

I love her, but I have no idea what to do?

She was the girl of my dreams. We were together a while back when we were in high school. We were together for 2 years. I still love her with all my heart. It has been 3 years since we've broken up and I haven't been in another serious relationship since. She broke up with me because her sister wasn't too fond of me. Her sister practically hated me. Her explanation was that she was making the people around her unhappy because she was always with me. It was a real bad break up. At the time I was also immature and made some mistakes. I didn't know how to react because i loved her deeply. Recently, sadly her sister ped away and I have tried to be there for her. All she does is ignore me, but will talk to my close friends about me and profess her love for me. This really frustrates me, she was my first love and I really want to make things better between us. I try to contact her but she ignores me. I've tried numerous times to see her but she avoids me at all costs. What do I do?

What would you do in this situation?

I think that if you really feel that there is a chance that she will infringe on your personal life, then you need to be honest and upfront about this. It's one thing to work for her company, but watching her kids is a completely separate job. If she can't handle the fact that you have your own plans and agenda for your life, then find another job. Yes it may be a good opportunity, but it's also like a Venus fly trap waiting to happen.

How much should I try to get for my house?

if you dont want to list with a realtor (they would do a marketing ysis & arrive at the actual current value), then call an appraiser & get them to do one. it doesnt cost much & then you'll know if your in the right ballpark or not! good luck!

Coming back to Ca from south lake tahoe?

Do i have to stop at the agricultural stop next to the golf course when im coming back in to ca from south lake tahoe. its a penger car not towing anything?

What gloves do goalkeepers in the top european soccer leagues wear?

I am a goalkeeper and I need new goalkeeper gloves. What gloves do the goalkeepers wear in leagues such as (Epl, The football league La Liga, Seira A, German Bundesliga, Ligue 1, Dutch Eredivisie, etc.

How can I deal with this?

If moving is not an option then the best thing to do is to cut ties with these people. He's obviously a jerk and she is in denial. That's too much drama!

Company g purchase 100,000 shares of x corp common stock for $15 per sahre. x corp what is the je?

x corp has a total of 800,00 shares of c/s outstanding cg company intends to keep the stock for an indefinite period of time but woulfd consider selling .On 2-15-08 rec'd $18 oer share dividend .on 12-31-08 x compnay for the year reported net inc $800,000 then on 12-31-09 reported net inc of $750,000 need JE

What's the essence of the movie "the Secret"?

So the sum and substance of the movie is "to have a devout hope for happening of things"? regardless of its improbability or unlikeliness.

Can my wife and I file jointly for Federal Tax and separately for State Tax?

That depends upon state law. Some states require you to use your Federal filing status. Others let you choose whatever's best for you.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Sheetrock/drywall installation?

How much money would it cost if I were to hire contractors to resheet rock an 12x11 room? opposed to how much if i were to do it myself. is it expensive?

Do Amazon's courier deliver on sunday?

I orederd a canon 550D last night with a 1x UV filter, i put it as expedited delivery, it says "DISPATCHING SOON" on it and i'm wondering will it be here today ot sunday?

About parents asking HUSBAND/WIFE for money... What do you think?

I m married and have a kid, me and my husband work full time and we also go to school. We know how economy is right now so we try to save as much as possible avoiding going out, summer vacations and working on a budget before we spend, thank god it has worked and we have our savings and live good. He is from El Salvador and I am Mexican and our parents stay in our countries, he sends 100.00 to his mom every month, and I am ok with that because she is a widowed, sick women and economy is way worse there than Mexico. On the other hand, my parents are younger they have each other and my 19 year old sister WITH HER HUSBAND and kid living at home, he works but she doesn't, she never did or have. Now, my mom asked me to send her 200.00 for her "vacations" so I sent her the money 2 days ago, I called yesterday and then she asked me for my husband he was there and she said my dad wanted to say hi to him, I handed the phone to my hubby, they were talking for like 30 min and i was wondering why my hubby was looking at me weird while on the phone, then I told him it was enough and to give me the phone, so he did and my dad was talking about stuff he wanted to buy and for that he was telling my husband that SINCE I HAD SENT MONEY TO MY MOM NOOOOWWW MY HUSBAND NEEDED TO SEND MONEY FOR HIM!!! I got really upset and embarred my dad was asking for money after I had just sent some, specially to my husband who has no obligations with them, he barely sends money to his mom!! I told my dad to stop doing that and instead go on and ask my sister's husband since he is saving to much on rent, food and babysitter unlike us. They think that because we live in USA we are rich! I really need to talk to him without getting him offended, I uderstand they are my parents and I need to help them but NOT EVEN WE GO ON VACATIONS! What should I do? Am I right on this feelings? What do i do?

What do you think? Fake?

sounds really good, but u have me wondering who's "the other girl". is it jen or the other? show ur readers the difference & u've got it goin!

HELP!!! I'm getting desperate.?

if you are trying to connect your computer to your phone to transfer music, videos, or pictures you just need a bluetooth dongle they sell them at walmart for around 20$

I need a pester ,how do i get one to talk to.?

Go to your local church, BUT ask some of the members if he is teaching the Word of God correctly, AND the ONLY way you will know this is by what they say about his teaching, AND the ONLY way that you will know if it is TRUE is by checking it out by Scripture. You can get your answer to your question from the scriptures IF you take time enough to look it up yourself straight from the Word of God. I know this is hard for you to understand, AND I am not being mean to you, BUT a man can only teach and give advise as much as he is learned in the Holy Word.

Sedu vs. Conair Infiniti?

hey i have the conair infiniti...but sedu is probably better because it's more expensive..yeah i mean it, the more expensive straighteners are always better. and i saw that sedu was voted best hair straightener.

Baby missing, husband drifting?

I have been married for 2 yrs and right off day 1 my husband and I have been trying to have a baby, but I'm just not getting pregnant. We've seen fertility specialists and we are both fertile and healthy, but it's not happening naturally for us. We also tried in vitro fertilization TWICE last year, but the 1st time it didn't take, and the 2nd I miscarried after only 4 weeks of pregnancy. It's killing me that I'm unable to have a baby of mine, to give a son to my husband. Motherhood has been my most cherished dream for years, and now that I am married to the man I love, that wish of becoming a mother have become ever bigger.I'm also having a hard time accepting my inability to become pregnant because I have a lot of pressure on my shoulders because my husband's 22 yrs my senior (we're 28 and 50) and I want our baby to be born soon so he can enjoy him. Also I feel pressurised because he already has a child from his previous marriage, a daughter, that he loves more than anything in the world. Please don't think that I have ill feelings for his daughter (because in fact I like her very much and care for her a great deal) but it eats me up inside that another woman was able to make him a father and I am still not. Adoption is not an option, nor is surrogacy, because I want the baby to be HIS, and I want to give it to him, not yet some other woman. And his family is also pressuring me to get pregnant and "produce him an heir" (these are their exact words, what with them being of lebanese origin and having a male child is very important in this culture). And the worst is that now this is also affecting us as a couple; he's being distant and away at work a lot more (he's a doctor) and I think his family might be telling him that I'm not a good wife because I can't give him a son. Lately we've been arguing a lot and bigger than we ever did, and we make love only once or twice a week (we used to do it everynight except the 2 nights a week he's on call at the hospital). Even his ex-wife (who still blames me for their failed marriage) seems to rejoice at the fact that I can't have a baby. I feel lonely and deprived [emotionally, as a wife and as a mother-wannabee]. I want my husband back like we were in the beginning, I want to become a mother more than anything in the world, and I want to fulfill this dream that is also my husband's whom I love to death but I think I may be going nuts. What should I do to make us close again, and to live through this long wait of getting pregnant?

How do i get my Labrador from stealing?

We own 4 labrador dogs , and one and only one will steal food at every opportunity. he will open the cupboards, the bin and even the fridge. We hav eput weights on the bin and secured most of the cupboards but he always does it after we leave the room. Aside from shooting him ( joke) what can we do to stop this .....I mean stop him rather than creating Fort Knox in the kitchen

What do you think is the best outfit for.......?

my sisters wedding is in september and i need to find an out fit to wear and if i wear a skirt or a dress it needs to be bellow the knee........nothing below the size xl..........cute but not to fancy it is ny sisters wedding nothing down to the ankle ......thanx please help

Drop and add anybody?

Your pitching staff looks pretty good. Your offense is decent. Ty Wigginton could be a good pick up though. He plays multiple positions, and has good stats. I use him mainly at second and he is ranked in the top ten at all infield positions. Also, I would try and see if anyone will bite on Pedro. He likely will only see minimal action if any this year.

Is Hillery trying to re-write history?????

Just after 4 a.m. Wednesday morning, a drowsy Hillary Rodham Clinton stood in the Senate chamber during the all-night debate on Iraq and declared matter-of-factly: "I have called for the strategic redeployment of U.S. forces out of Iraq for several years." That surprised anti-war activists camped out near the Capitol, listening to the speech on the radio. Clinton, they knew, had supported withdrawal from Iraq for less than two years, 20 months to be exact.

What about Web Designers?

What are the drawbacks, challenges, opportunities and prerequisites of every web designer in their career(s)?

What do the rascal flatts sing about?

Most of their music is about life, love, family. Their music has some very meaningful lyrics. Rascal Flatts have fans ranging in ages from 1-100, especially after the release of "Life Is A Highway" the song they did for the movie "Cars".

Are devon aire nouvelle field boots okay for showing?

They look like very poor qualitly, Im guessing that they arent real leather, You can use them in shows but I would really recomend ariats. They come with a little sticker shock, however they do look much better and are real leather

Using cooking oil for alternative lighting?

I get a newsletter from Lehmann's & in their "specials" they showed a book on how to use either vegetable oil or olive oil in building your own oil lamps. Has anyone tried this method instead of using regular oil lamps? If so, would you share on how to make your own and is it more cost effective? We burn oil lamps in the evening and have many, the cost of the oil is becoming more costly. If someone knows of other alternatives, I would be interested. Thanx

I know it's a waste of 5 points...?

But I'd just like to hear how people feel about animal cruelty. My feelings are more strong about the killing them for sport, but strongest when it comes to treating them horribly just for our food or clothing. There are other alternatives! We don't have to stoop lower than parasites to live in wealth and happiness! And if you feel absolutely positive towards it, I'd love to know why you think this. Also, I HATE KFC. They are possibly the worst place to go if you're an animal lover. Recently, Taco Bell and KFC have merged into one restaurant. My family loves tacos from Taco Bell, but hates KFC. If I buy from Taco Bell, does it help support KFC? If it does, I can settle for nachos and salsa. =]

Funny ? kinda funny i gu and kind of a poll servey?

ok i was wondering just for fun how maney of u bring your cell phone to shcool and how maney of u get in trouble for txting if u are not allowed to have your cell and how many of you wish you could have cell phones in school in case you had to make a phone call home and who thinks the rule is dum no cell phones

I need ideas for dance solo songs?

for my jazz cl we are doing rockstar by prima j. its a realy good song and it up beat. another good song is untotched by the veronicas.

Song title??????????????????

i keep hearing this song, but i don't know what it's called. i can't really remember much except it was rock with the line "fire in your eyes" and they kept rhyming words like "receiver, deceiver, and reliever" hope u guys can tell me

Why does my computer shutdown when i try to play games??

when i try to play FIFA 09 or Burnout the Ultimate Box the game like freezes and then my comp shuts down why?????? how can i fix this i wanna play games!?!?!?!?!? Its over the minimum requirements!!!!!!!!!!! HELP!!!!! THANKS

How do I tell the girl I like she acts kind of bipolar?

I'm a 13 year old biual. I like my friend and she's bicurious. She says she might be startin to like me a little bit. Which is great but there's a problem. She's a little bipolar. One minute we'll be laughing and flirting then she starts acting like a b****. She says a bunch of mean thinks to me and it kinda hurts my feelings. Then later she says a bunch of nice things to take back what she said before but it still hurts. I'm not sure how I should handel this. To her and everyone else at my school I'm tough but I'm really sensitive and when she says all those things she really means it. Im not sure i can deal with it anymore. If i tell her im sensitive and she hurts my feelings i'll sound like a wuss. And she might stop liking me if i tell her it hurts me but i really like her and dont wanna get over her or make her stop liking me. What do I do?????

Please help me with my condition- ten points for best answer....?

after reading that ,made me realise how i also don't want to give birth,,,i mean a baby has a big head and the fact that it has to come out of my just creeps me out,the weight thing i also hate geee and vommiting while pregnant ,just love the fact that when you are pregnant you don't go on periods...but yeah you can try talking with your partner hope he understands if he loves you he will understand or you can just try the c section

Do Jehovah's witnesses believe only THEY will survive the Great Tribulation?

Just like the account of the Israelites being backed into a corner at the Red Sea, we as Jehovah's Witnesses firmly believe that we will receive a similar salvation by Jehovah when the great tribulation breaks out. Whether some die at that time or not, Jehovah will see to it that his people (as a whole) will make it through. What we don't know for sure, is what will happen with the millions of people who may at that time be studying the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses. Jehovah is the reader of hearts, as we know, and he will be able to discern whether some of them will have already made the choice in their heart to keep learning about him, or if they're wasting the time of the one studying with them. Quite possibly, some who are just studying may survive the great tribulation as well.

Anybody think different of Lebron James now ?

I mean he has proved over and over again how much of an arrogant prick he is, what he did to that ball boy in Chicago was horrible, I can't see my self being a fan of a guy who acts like a immature .. I don't care how good is he. I'm so sick of this ******** I can't wait until Kevin Durant surpes this guy and/or until Dwyane Wade gets his contending team to see who is really the best player from that Draft Cl.

A clear fish imprint in a rock indicates that the rock is probably?

I agree that it would be sedimentary and probably marine. I would also add that the environment of deposition would have been of low energy and the rock would be fine grained. Otherwise, there would not be such a clear imprint.

What are some things I should know if I want to work as an Administrative istant?

You should be familiar on how to prepare meeting. The boss will just give you the instruction of what to do...mostly these is your everyday work. Operating system function / excel knowledge can learn while you are doing the tasks . Additional info. Just find from yahoo search / websites.

Question to Conservatives: If there was a 2nd Civil War, Would you join the Federalists or Anti-Federalists?

Federalists similar to the Union in the North wanting America unified. Anti-Federalists similar to the Confederates in the South wanting America separated.

How can I start an agricultural farm?

I am very interested to start a farm where I will cultivate vegetables. I am new here in NY. I need some clue where i can start. How I can get land and other related stuffs. Please help.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Would anyone like to read my autobiography?

It is about 50 or so pages and everyone who has read it has loved it. The only thing is its not finished being edited. Im 20 yrs old but have been through more than alot of people. if u wanna read it let me know and i'll email it. Please dont' be ignorant.. theirs enough of that on this site.

Have you noticed anything significant about persons having planets or placements on your South Node?

I have SN conj Sun,Ur,Mercury and Jupiter and I know a male with Sun conj Ur,Mars and Venus. We are both Cancers and the Sun and Ur are at the same degree in Cancer. We had an instant connection,but not Love on my part,he reminds me of an annoying little brother or a sibling that competes with me and constantly tries to impress me at the same time....90 percent of the time I have to swat him like a fly...so annoying and always around me,but yet he is most useful to me .

Granite Goddess?

This is real good. Your Prince needs and 'n', aside from that, very cool. It will do nicely until the real person comes back. TD

Pokemon help? pal pad, other stuff like item locatios?

where is the magmarizer in diamond, what pokemon do i breed with magby or magmor to get egg flare blitz, and pal pad code Jonah and 1118 2224 9455

Do these words have positive, negative, or neutral connotations?

harmony, sound, racket, shriek, melody, music, noise, pitch, voice, talkative, articulate, chattering, eloquent, vocal, verbose, gossipy, fluent, gabby, decorative, beautiful, modern, ornate, over elaborate,dazzling, flashy, elegant, sparkling, long, lingering, enduring, continued, drawn-out, stretched, never-ending, unbreakable, incessant, calculating, shrewd, crafty, ingenious, keen, sensible, sly, smooth, under-handed

Should i get micro braids for school???(pic included)

Didnt c your pics im sure they would look nice but its not that good for your hair so be sure you want them.

Can you sell sims 3 2nd hand?

what i mean is once uve installed it and registerd it.. can u sell it on... >< (a bit like SPORES) i got it registerd it and cant stand it! Its got too may bugs >< :( my system should rip though it but its jerky >< lol :(

Mean things you do to your cats?

We play "spinny" put him on the kitchen floor and spin him! He gets dizzy and tries to run. It's funny! I swear he likes it though, he always comes right back like "oohhh Ohhh do it again" We touch the little hairs on his ear when he's sleeping. Our cat is a spaz though, he attacks things that aren't there... probably from all the spinning!

How do I help an anxiety sufferer?

My partner is an anxiety sufferer, from what he has already told me this has been caused by his parents not being very nice to him during his childhood. (Apparently his Mum also seemed to be suffering from some form of anxiety or depression too during that time.) Consequently he was not taught to cope with everyday life successfully, and has struggled all his life. I seem to be taking the punishment from him for everything everyone has ever done to him, especially his Mother, who he will not confront about his upbringing because she also suffers with her nerves and he would not wish to be responsible for her downfall. He regularly accuses me of having affairs, tells me that I should not answer or argue back as this makes him worse, says I am not supporting him properly, and in his worst states calls me all the names under the sun. I started out sympathetic to his condition (when we eventually fathomed out what he was suffering from), but now, 10 years down the line, I can feel my sympathy wearing very thin, and sometimes I feel I may be heading in the same direction. When he is calm, he is the nicest man ever, and he is constantly saying sorry to me for what he puts me through, so he does recognise that he has a problem. I just want to help him draw a line under his past and get on with our future, because I do love him to bits, I just don't know what to say or do any more. I do argue back, as some of the things he says are horrible, but maybe this is wrong of me. Also he has been asking me the same questions for almost the whole 10 years, is this a part of the anxiety? Can someone please help me?

Why is yahoo a huge hypocrite?

This website is here to set speech free. Allow people to emble and share ideas. Just maybe we might even help someone. So yahoo flies thier flag high on thier devotion to free speech and the creation of this site. The truth is quite opposite. They censor questions, answers, and readily violate you before they get all the facts. This is nothing more than a reckless that I hope lands them in court. Think people-get injured using a comment from this site and sue thier *** off.

I installed this ip changer program and i dont remember what it was and its causeing problems?

ps for free software bookmark www.beingahuman.blo.com find the useful software to use article the answers in their

Where did Mccain go wrong?

it obvious that i support Barack Obama. but i'm not counting mccain out just yet, anything can happen in 13 days. but i just want everyone's opinion on where you think Mccain went wrong, and why he's struggling right now. without being partisan tell me why?

The girl im best friends with, and totally crazy for, is still in love with her ex. advice?

i started talking with this girl about 6 months ago when i broke up with my girl friend. i wasnt looking for anything romantic, just a friend. I had no clue she was interested in me until about 4 months ago. we made out a few times, and hung out ALOT. i fell head over heals for her. then the kissing and cuddleing stopped. I asked her why, and she said its cuz she realized she was still in love wih her ex from a year ago. they dated for about a year, and had a really bad break up. They havnt spoken in about a year, but last week she told me that she saw him and that they talked about alot of things. She told him that she was still in love with him. I told her how i felt about her about a month ago. but now she keeps talking to me about getting back together with her ex. she told me that she has alot of feelings for me, but they dont "compete" with her feelings for her ex. any advice?

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Are white tree frogs semi aquatic?

i am getting a white tree frog and i would like to know if they are semi aquatic or if they only live on land

Your thoughts on Nick Mitchell ("Norman Gentle") on American Idol Finale?

Ha ha ha. This guy is hilarious. I hope he'll end up doing some serious comedy along the way maybe standup comedy. His American Idol Finale performance was priceless. Good start by winning the Golden Idol Awards for Outstanding Male.

Love was nothing but poison to me... Why drink more of it?

Bravo Men Bravo , The Champ is there , Really :) ... and yea you are Really proud over that so do me men :) ..

1st car 1989 nissan skyline or 1993 mitsibishi lancer?

For your fist car i would go the lancer but all soo aTURBOo has to berebuiltt about at 100,000 miles so

Don't you hate people that make you pay for there reproduction?

let me see if this is right , when people of teen or other want to have that means all the rest of America haves to pick up the tab and when you find yourself knocked up and the boy or man you sleep with is a jerk and we pay that tab for your fun making problems and how is this right for people who know how to do and pay for there own reproduction with out asking us if we want to pay for yours to.if you know, you cant pay, don't play because apparently your not ready only animals mate with that kind of mentality .

Can someone explain ground driving to me?

Geez.....talk about a bunch of useless answeres.... ground driving or long lining is a crucial part of ground work that teaches a young horse to move forward, feel rein pressure, learn to turn, give to bit pressure, stop, back and learn bending and collection and a balanced way of moving in a 3 gaits without a rider on their back.....It is not for beginners and takes a lot of talent and excellent hands to teach all of these things correctly....I think there are some decent videos on Youtube either under ground driving or long lining....If you have never done it before I would see if you know someone who is well versed and can help you start right and then teach you the proper technique...Good luck

Where is the location of the dog pound in tijuana? Donde esta la perrera municipal en Tijuana b.c?

We are trying to locate the Dog Pound in Tijuana but we do not know where it is located, can anyone help? Do you know where I can find the information or the address and how to get there?

Can individual weather events, like the recent cold weather, be linked to global warming?

It all works out. The colder it gets the more we eat so the more we fart. Then our carbon fartprint becomes larger and we heat the planet more.

Top Flite XL Extreme Distance Golf ?

What type of golfers are these for? I think these are by Callaway? Sorry I don't know anything about golf.. was thinking about getting some customized golf as a gift. I'd say he is a medium skilled amateur. Do you think anything other than Titlelist as gift is a no-no?

Which are there more of in the Philippines, the Chinese-Filipinos or the Spanish-Filipinos(mestiza)?

my observation is more filipino-chinese now than tisoys (those with spanish blood). possible reason is more marriages now between filipinos and chinese than filipinos and spanish people.

What is the chemiosmotic gradient and how does it affect ATP?

Basically, the membranes in a mitochondrion set up and maintain a chemiosmotic gradient - where there is a high concentration of an ion (hydrogen) on one side, and a low concentration on the other. Because things always want to diffuse from an area of high concentraion to an area of low concentration, the area of high concentration has potential energy. The mitochondrion membranes have structures that allow the hydrogen ions to move down their concentration gradient, but in doing so harvest their energy to make ATP.

For parents w/older children, are you relieved the kiddie shows are a thing of the past?

I will be glad when I no longer have to watch sponge bob. O am sorry but that has to be the most idiotic show.

Boon to Tenor Saxophone...is it easy?

I play boon in a reg. symphonic band in school and some kids have brought up a jazz ensemble. I was asked by some people to play tenor sax. but was wondering if it would be an easy switch from boon to tenor sax. I can read treble clef fine but don't know if switching would be difficult or not as bad as I think.

If garnett was a SG and all his stats went to SG style would he be better then kobe?

KG and Kobe are completely different types of players. They play different positions as well as having different basketball skills. They are great players and future Hall of Famers, but I dont think one is better than the other.

Who believes ''neighbors are "gathering" from space?, Listen at: www.accesssacramento.org _5/31/08 6-8PM PST

This program is a rebroadcast I heard a couple years ago. It seems possible-and maybe even needed since so much is happenong on this planet humans don't seem able to control and prevent disasters and heal all diseases. Possibly any one who could travel from another universe could. That takes a lot of skill! Shouldn't we give them a chance to demonstrate what they can do?.It's possible evolution has been occurring for far longer periods in ome parts of the universe which is now believed to be many billions of years in age. Imagine a civilization that began 12 billion years ago and has been evolving/progressing that long. Imagine what humans could do in anther billion years [-if they don't blow each other savagely to pieces]:. http://images.google.com/images?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&q=Crop+Circles&um=1o Do better. Perhaps the visitors are being sent to show a safer way to Live!

Pythagorean theorem c2?

When you have a single leg and an hypotenuse how do you find the other leg? Or when you have b2 and c2 but no a?

Awww damn! Wont ANYONE answer? Please?

On the bus, my friend called my ex-bf, who I am madly in love with and I think he likes me too,a jerk for making fun of gays and he said What? Because he didnt hear her. And I said "yeah, youre a jerk" in a very serious, kinda sad way. And he said "Whaaaaaat?" in a sad,disbelief way. And I laughed and I said "Just kidding" And he laughed. And then he said, "I dont even know, Amber". Now, what does THAT mean? LOl.

Do you know the artists behind the song that deals with suicide?

i really dont no wat song ur talking about. u should make a new question and try to name some of the lyrics cause i dont no wat song ur talking about but if i did i might no.

School Holiday Syndrome?

Yes, my Rottie goes with me. The schnauzers go to board with their groomer. I refused a trip to Italy because I couldn't take my dog.

How the Educational institutions closed on Friday run by the christian educational institutions ?

we are living in secular of state in india. we have no objection in protesting against any violence by the christians. But, how they close the educational institutions where all caste and other religious students are studying. whether they got approval from the govt is not known and whether the govt will take action against the educational institutions is also not known. what is the connection to the education with some incidents happens in this country? who gave permission for a holiday? i am not against any religion including christianity. i already said that we have no objection in protesting against any violence by the christians and also other religions, but my concern is connection the education. do you find any meaning in my argument ?

Is moving to Minneapolis in the winter possible?

Driving a U-Haul with a car towed behind it from Tampa up to Minneapolis, obviously it wouldn't be fun but would it be possible?

Friday, November 11, 2011

Which city has the best pizza?

From My experience and from what I have heard, in the U.S, the best is from Chicago, and I do not mean from the national chains. I have Relatives out west and They all say the pizza out there sucks.

What wall color will match?

I've moved into a home with a burgundy carpet in the bedroom, for now at least, it shall remain. My bedroom furniture is dark, contemporary, and boxy. I have no colors for bedding in mind yet, as I need to know what may go with the dreadful carpet. Currently I have panel walls (EW!), but I'm painting them out. Suggestions?

I've got a dilemma... Help?

Well I'm friends with these 2 guys and at first they were pretty cool, but when I got to know them I realized they're geeks. Now, I know that that really doesn't matter but all they talk about are video games. I can't have an intelligent conversation with them, which is a quality I look for in a friend. Oh and one of them is like obsessed with war so he constantly does this dumb Russian accent, and since we're in PE together, everytime we score a touchdown he shouts something like "through this victory we instill fear!!" anyway, they're both rly annoying and I've tried to split from them, but they still talk to me. And i always defend them when this b*tch makes fun of them/ bullies them. Ugh i hate her anyway, so im glad to do that but afterwards they talk to me again... How do I make it so they don't (and I don't have any other friends to talk to before PE cl).

Im filing a notice of motion and i need help?

Its for the custody of my son who is living with me right now. I filed for custody and so did his father. we both live in two different countys and his county has jurisdiction so im filing for the notice of motion. I just dont know what to put under the declaration exactly...can you please explain how this works and do these papers also have to be served to the other party? and how exactly if they do step by step. becasue when i got served from my baby's father..he didnt properly serve me ...i just woke up and my sister found some papers laying on the doorsteps..no knock or doorbell...no one there asking for me..so i did some research and found out if the person didnt serve you right..their judge can automatically dismiss the case for not serving right...is this true? anyways i need help filing my notice of motion and please be descriptive :)

I am buying a new trolling motor. Is auto pilot a gimmick or a must have?

Anyone else have a Minn Kota auto pilot? It sounds like the only way to go for a 2 time/yr fisherman who doesn't want to put much effort into this. Is it?


La arquitecura del barroco era un tipo de arquitectura en los 1800's. Usa efectos de luz y contraste con color y formas.Las estructuras del barroco son muy elegantes.

If the 21st amendment repeals the 18th amendment, then why isn't the 18th amendment removed since its defunct?

are they not allowed to take an amendment off when they repeal that amendment with another amendment later on? is it just kept on the list of the 27 amendments for historical purposes?

Help with picking a major!!?

so ilove to act and sing. I have been acting in tv shows, commercials, and plays since i was 5. I plan on continuing to pursue this career. I am a junior in high school and Ive been thinkin about college lately. I was thinkin about majoring in engineering but if i want to pursue acting that wouldnt work out. I want to pursue engineerng because acting isnt dependable. Plus, once I am done or if something happens, I will need a different job. Would it work to major in engineering and minor in theater or drama or musical theater? or is that completly dumb? Help please!

Why is robert hawkins not as big as news as cho from virginia tech?

It's all over the news local and national , I live in Omaha and I'm sick of hearing about it, I turn on cnn and they are even talking about it, and look you even asked a question about him! He was a child who fell through the cracks! no one wanted to hear him when he was alive now everyone wants to know what happened well it's too late now to understand him!!!!!! Peace be with all his victims and even him he was a victim too!

Triggers of Shingles ( zoster)?

I got shingles about 3 years ago in my senior year of high school. It was a horrible experience and I am now feeling the same pre-symptoms as I did the first time. I am pretty stressed because of school, but I don't think that's all that triggered the reaction. I recently was made to take the varicella vaccine for a second time and I'm wondering if that could have been the trigger to start up the virus again? I would appreciate greatly if someone knows the answer to this, I haven't been able to find any.

How do i change my photos into postcards please?

this is just a wild guess, but go to a photo copying machine store like kinko and ask them how you may go abouts doing so

Porque no dicen el nombre de dj flex en el show de los suenos?

porque cuando esta el show de univision de el show de lo suenos no dicen o quitan el nombre de dj flex

Dr. comment bothersome?

I went to e.r. for what I thought was bad back pain, tests were run and sugar was 600. I had no idea I was diabetic. Other tests were run and my hemoglobin test was 15. My Dr. said he has never seen this in his career, which of course meant nothing to me. It still doesn't. I spent one day in i.c.u. and four days in step down for this.My back pain was a bad gall bladder..This all happened April 12th.I am doing pretty well controlling things by diet and start cles in the next two weeks. My liver enzymes were high also, so they took a liver biopsy when they did gall bladder surgery. I don't have those #s.

I'm having trouble playing pogo ever since I got a new Gateway computer, can anyone help me?

I've recently purchased a Gateway PC and laptop and neither one of them will allow me to play all of the member Pogo games. I didn't know if there is some setting I need to fix or what, but I don't see a way to contact them. Any information will be appreciated. Thanks

Has anyone tried to use pure rubbing alcohol to kill lice?

It is the ONLY I use any more. The traditional treatments and prescriptions do NOT work as the little buggers have adapted. Pour the rubbing alcohol in a plastic disposable cup and grab a nit comb, dip the comb and start combing. It actually works. After every combthrough re-dip the comb in the alcohol to keep it saturated. The aclcohol dries the bugs and eggs out VERY quickly, and ends the infestation. The bedding spray is still very effective, so continue to use it, and remember to WASH everything you can in hot water and sanitize everything else. After using the alcohol treatment, rinse the childs hair, and put conditioner in it for 7-10 days. This keeps the hair slick and any buggers you didnt get, from multiplying. 8 days after the first treatment, remember to re-spray everything, mattresses, carpets, everything that cant fit in the washer. And check your childs head on a regualr basis if this epidemic runs rampant in your community, it will help cut down on a re-infestation.

How can you get rid of pesticides in hamster food?

I got a new hamster and hes about 8 months old now. I've been feeding him "Kaytee" and today day I saw 7 bugs crawling in his food so I freaked out. I looked the bugs up and they said they were pesticides. Can you please help me for the sake of my little ham hams health? (his name is chester)

Can you read my poem? Constructive Criticism Por Favor.?

I think its great!! And so true...you never know who is real anymore. And don't tone it down on the vocab...if you cant understand it then don't read it lol. The vocab adds to the depth of your poem, because its very deep and has emotional depth as well. I don't suggest anything other than have more faith in your work, you're a great poet :)

Why do some people respond so rudely to some of my questions?

Some people take your question personally, as if you are talking directly to that person. Cant anyone be objective and see that a person is only asking a question and not trying to offend anyone in particular? I just get some overly judgmental and angry responses sometimes, why?

Explain how 2 find the length of the hypotenuse of an isosceles right triangle if you know the length of 1 leg

I just remembered a formula. If one side is x, the other side is x, and the hypotenuse is x times the sqrt of 2.

Does anyone have clubpenguin.com?

yes its a kiddie game but its awsome!anyone know cheats?who plays it?wats ur screen name?mine is miley715(first thing i thought of)

Syntax Olevia 42" LCD close caption will not turn off. How to turn this off?

On my HD channels close caption is not shown, but other channels CC is. I have found in set up the CC option, It says "CC og" I hit that and i get options such as "CC1 and T1" and such. Any help would be apprieciated.

How do you mothers wash & clean your children's pacifyers?

I noticed when I try submerging them in soapy water to clean them, they end up getting the soapy water IN the pacifyer. What is the proper way to thoroughly clean them?

Changing Dana 30 ujoints?

So next week I have put aside a day to change both my front ujoints. It pops in 4wd and the mechanic told me they were seizerd. A few questions first. I have a writeup on how to change them but still wondering how hard it is? Biggest job I have done is rear driveshaft. Do you have to pull the differential cover off? I'm just gonna pull the shafts and have a shop change the ujoints for $10 since I dont have a press, but will I need to change the seals to since there coming out? HP D30 of a 99 XJ

How do I view .wps files on a non-Mac computer?

My friend wrote a paper on her Mac laptop, sent it to me on my standard Windows-running computer and I can't view it with Microsoft Word. I have asked a few computer-savvy types, a .wps file is a WordPerfect doent file, but I thought that was an ancient and obsolete program; I don't know anyone who runs it. I'm not a Mac person, I'm not really even much of a computer person in general... I get someone else to make them work for me when they break. SO, I need some help, cuz I just want to be able to read my friend's writing!!! I understand Mac and Microsoft are in direct competition and as such have probably designed their programs to be just as incompatible as possible just to confound an average person like me. But all I have is Microsoft Word, and the Notepad and Wordpad that comes with Windows. Help!

Why is it that us females let us guys make us feel like we're not worth a dime when in a relationship.?

we can think that we have the best relationship until he cheats on us. he say he love you but if he loved you why would he cheat on u or want other females? thn whn we take them bck they continue to do the same thing but u put up with it...&now your stuck feeling like u dont mean shyt nor worth shyt

Won my fantasy football league and league members banned me from yearly league banquet. Please help?

Sure, just show up to the banquet, because with all the nice messages they left for you on your phone and computer that just shows how much they really love and appreciate you... LoL...

Why did I bother getting up for this ungrateful old woman on the train if she said this?

Omg ihate bitter old ladies like that who think the world owes everything to them! Dont let it get you down, I think you shouldnt have felt humiliated, its not your fault, you were being nice. and I also wouldnt have gotten up to give up my seat for her (if it was forward facing) if i had just seen that happen. But you should give up your seat the next time (if you do that regularly) because you never know, the next old lady might be really nice to you :)

Thunderstruck- Holden Commodore SS Ute advert- AC/DC?

a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x02POBVHM7E" rel="nofollow"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x02POBVHM…/a it is on youtube.

Prologue for my novel, opinions welcome - answer please.?

I really love it except for one thing: the dialogue is a little hard to follow. Make it more clear who is talking when. Other than that, I really love it!

Interesting 8 Team League Trade?

What's the interesting trade? You traded a RB and WR for another RB and WR. Very interesting. Congratulations.

Adam Dunn vs John Lackey?

In a trade of Adam Dunn or John Lackey, who gets the better deal, and by how much? is it very close or is it overturnable??

Any one know if there are plans for Toon Disney to come back or atleast these shows?

I honestly don't think most of these shows will be back on the air for a while aside from the ones already on but you never know, as for the dvds you could check Amazon im pretty sure I have seen Tailspin and The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh on there. And as always you could look at tpb for any torrents. Sorry I have no clue about the Disney Vault list.

How often do you argue/fight with your spouse?

I don't think fighting is healthy at all, discussion is healthy. We do disagree, but we tend not to scream and shout, if I am angry I walk away and calm down, then we talk, if we don't do it that way we can really be hurtful to each other, and you cannot take back angry words. We disagree probably a couple of times a month, but never really seriously.

Has a Satanic Mafia infiltrated the governments of the World?

I think so, people don't make sense. It makes no sense to support Obama, after all the terrible things he has done. Brazil just elected a Violent Marxist- ex Terrorist as their president and Obama is friends with all the loony presidents and dictators. Bill Ayers terrorists is writing our kids school books. Nothing make sense.

Canon 18-55mm Kit Lens vs 55-250mm for Macro?

Your reasoning sounds about right but still you'd get only a 1:4 reproduction ratio. For anything really approaching macro you'd want 1:2 at least.

2 way radios or handheld CB radio with a station?

I'm deployed currently and i'm looking for a way to communicate unsecure for about 5+ miles. If I went with a CB radio and station I could have an antenna mounted at a pretty high elevation in relation to the surrounding area. I have no access to ICOMs and the ones I do have are going out and I need a replacement. These communications will not be for secure chatter just a way to stay in contact with my Soldiers as they are out and about on the FOB. Obviously 2 way radios would be preferred as they are smaller and easier to keep track of i'm just concerned with their range. We have a lot of concrete barriers so i'm uming that the CB is going to be the best bet. If I have to go this route does anyone have some suggestions for the base and handheld units? I'm trying to keep the price down as this will be an out of pocket expense. Thanks for any answers!

Does anyone know how to put "Faith is the Power to Believe" in Irish gaelic?

For my next tattoo i found a saying that i really connected with & wanted to get it down my spine like Victoria Beckham but instead of Hebrew i was thinking Irish gaelic since Irish is in my roots. Can anyone translate that saying for me?

Honestly, are my lips really ugly?

I can understand why you would hate you lips because it is uncommon for males to have such big lips, but honestly i thought it looked cute. though if i did meet you face to face in real life my first thought would be "whoa his lips are huge..." but it wouldnt be exactly a bad thing, but then again it is a bad thing if your trying to be a model and all people focus on are your lips but you mgiht be able to take advantage of that cause your different

Would I make fool of myself with a Ford Falcon Futura?

I dont live in Australia so I cannot comment completely, but dont conform to what your pip-squeak students say. Alfa Romeo, Saab, and most Citroens are horrible cars. I would never ever want to own one - even if it was free. If you like the car buy it and blow some V8 exhaust at those students every time you leave the parking lot. Don't worry they wont be able to catch you!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Baby cichlids what do I do?

my cichlids just had over 50 babies about five days ago. I am sorry I don't know what kind they are but the small one is black with gray stipes with a little red stripe on the top fin and yellow eyes. the other one is black with gray stripes with a small red stripe on the top fin WITH bright blue dots and yellow eyes and that one is the biggest. all of the babies are smaller than 1/2 of a cenemeter long. the parents are very protective of them. and if a few babies leave the group the parents will scoop them up in their mouths and spit them back out in the group most of the time but sometimes they will eat the babies that leave the group. and when should I start feeding them brine shrimp? I already feed the parents frozen brine and I will see some of the babies eat a piece of brine. and if anyone else knows any info on baby cichlids please tell me asap. thank you!

How can Boise State get into the bcs bowl games if only one non bcs conference team is allowed in?

I heard about how oklahoma states loss today meant that Boise could get an at large bid. So what would have to happen for the broncos to get in?

Was the Irish Famine genocide by the British government?

yes this was an act of genocide. the british wanted the fertle lands of Ireland to colonize. but they needed a way to get rid of the Irish. contaminate the staple crop of a country and you can get the people to leave. this caused a split in the country that still exists to this day. Ireland is a country that has never known freedom and only our rivers run free.

Couple on holiday?

A couple were on holiday on their boat with their dog. All of a sudden the dog jumped into the water and disappeared. They searched everywhere but the dog could not be found. Heartbroken ,they decided to return home, and what do you think was sitting on the doorstep? Twenty one pints of milk, they had forgotten to cancel the milk order!!!

Help, before tomorrow! please!?

You should do your own work instead of getting all the answers from other people. This is cheating and you should be ashamed of yourself. If you go through with this, it is a severe blow to your character, even if no one else knows.

What do they really want?

It was probably a scam. You were right not to donate money to them. If you ever do feel like donating money to someone knocking on your door, ask to see an I.D. card issued by the state you live in for solicitation of donations. All legitimate charities will be issued a card by some state agency that identifies them as having registered as a charity. If they don't have the card, don't give them any money.

Need replacement for paper denim jeans...?

Are you from the USA i take it? Why not search on the net on ebay for example. I buy my paper denims from the UK from Whistles and Selfridges.

It's been a long time since I've turned to Y!A, but I'm really in deep tonight.?

Maybe tell her some of this- she may be a bit annoyed, but she'll understand (she sounds very understanding). Just let her know that you have been struggling to get everything done and that you have a huge amount of stuff (I understand by the way- paranoid schizophrenia in my senior year, missed four months), and that you will do better. Definitely do get some sleep and don't try and do it now though. Just tell her that you are still trying to pull things together and it is slowly stabilizing. Good luck.

What songs are anthems for your city/area?

a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PN2N8MPGGA" rel="nofollow"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PN2N8MPG…/a

Do you think this is abuse? Why?

I don't agree with it. I don't agree with at all. I believe if a child is raised properly from the start, physical punishment is not needed at all. Me and my three siblings were never ed, we all have made honour roll at school, We have all either finished, are in, or are entering college, we have never smoked or done drugs. We have also never drank before becoming the legal limit. We all also have jobs, we've only dated decent people. We have never even had physical punishment threatened. We have rarely needed any punishment at all now that I think of it.

What does it cost to have a transmission looked at?

My transmission isn't completely engaging overdrive, so what is an average cost to just have it looked, not repaired, at by a transmission shop to figure out the problem? It is a 1992 Toyota Celica ST FWD auto transmission

Can military attorneys help with child support cases?

You cannot use a military attorney for civil or domestic matters which is what child support is concerned. You will have to hire a local lawyer to help you with your case. Allowances can be used in child support cases if you are receiving it on your pay if that is what that state determines. You will not get a lot of these allowances such as BAH, Family Separtion, etc... if you do not have custody of the child.

Does your hot tub shell color affect the color changing LED lighting effect?

I am looking at purchasing a Gulf Coast Spa. Their interior color choices are Pearl, Silver, Blue, Green and Tan. (all have a pearlessent type sheen). I will be getting the color changing LED bulb and my husband thought that we would need to get the pearl (white) color as maybe the lighting won't show up as well on the other colors. I really like all the colors EXCEPT the pearl and was wondering if others have had experience as to how much it affects how the lighting looks at night? This goes for anyone who owns a hot tub or spa that has the single bulb LED lighting. Thanks!

How can I combine several .pst files in Outlook 2007?

I recently setup my Outlook using IMAP and it has imported my folder in, but all my older messages were sent to a personal folder. Now I have two folders (actually three, but its a long story) and I would like to consolidate/combine them so all messages (sent, received, junk, drafts) are located within one .pst file. Any suggestions?

How to obtain a keystroke in a variable without Text box in VB?

It's been a looooong time since I last used VB, but if I remember correctly there is a key press event for Forms in VB. You should look into that.

Black Ops Clan For Those That Follow Sports...?

Hey guys I made a clan where you make your clan tag your favorite sports team. Mine is VT (Virginia Tech) for example. Please be online and playing black ops a decent amount of time (at least 4 days played).You must have a KDR of at least 1.00 or above. We would only play Domination and mostly Deathmatch. Oh and you should try to be online at 1 est tonight so we can play and dominate! If you wanna join leave your PSN here and friend request me at sportz35guy asap. Also leave your kill death (ratio). Please be on tonight at 1 est! Oh and I would like if you had a mike. Thanks!

For those of you who have read uglies, pretties and specials by scott westerfeld???

i read uglies amd loved tally as a character but i hated her in pretties. even at the end she was a total jerk to david. is specials does she make things up and stuff??? does she get the personality she used to have by the end? dont worry about spoiling it- i just wanna know if i'll like it cuz i was soooo disappointed in pretties.

Any Minnesotans angry at Norm Coleman?

for clinging to "his" senate seat like an emphysemic to an oxygen bottle? Al Gore had the extraordinary grace to concede defeat in the 2000 presidential election, despite being ahead in the national tally of the popular vote. Is it too much to expect any such grace from Coleman?

What kind of a dog is bull mastiff?

i mean is it strong? will it be able to stand its own against a rottweiler or a tibetian mastiff?i dont plan to fight it , just asking! is it larger than a rotweiler ?

Does anyone else have a phobia of the double b cello?

i have three phobias in life. 3. frozen turkeys 2. ANY insect. top of the list- bees and spiders 3. the double b cello. just typing it makes me really really like morbidly afraid. idk y!!!!!!!!! does anyone else have this fear???? if i were to see one i would probably cry. im sooo wierd.... i dont know. they just scare the crap outta me..... :-(

Who is the protagonist in the crucible, by arthur miller? antagonist?

The protagonist in any story is the main character. The antagonist is whoever goes against the main character, causing a conflict.

What made you angry last?

For me, it was that my stepmom was forcing me to put the sheets and stuff on my bed at that very minute. Dumb, I know.

Converting between mol dm-3 and g dm-3?

I've forgotten and aparently obliterated the formula to work out concentration in mol dm-3 given g dm-3. Anyone help me out?

Questions about the Tell-Tale Heart?

You'd have to pay me the going rate for tutoring for the answers to all this. I think it's about $40.00 an hour.

In Need of Clearing Up Former Question?

Okay soooo i think I should explain a little more about my former question. I was experiencing all of those things, and whether they were psychological or not no one can know, but i was definitely experiencing them. I'm fairly thin and very in tune with my body, so I normally notice the slightest changes. Lately, there have been a lot of changes in my stomach that i can't explain, especially since i've since LOST 5 pounds. I know that birth control may or may not be affected by antibiotics, but my cycle must have been messed up by something because the short light period was abnormal and so was the red breakthrough bleeding. It was a one time mistake, and I am 21 and my boyfriend is 22 so we are not children. I DID go to my doctor but he basically dismissed me and just prescribed me new birth control - I asked him for a blood test but he replied that his urine test could NOT be wrong. I will be going to my pcp in a week and i'll ask her about the bloodwork there. My question was whether or not anyone was going through or had gone through something

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Alfajores in nyc or online?

Fijate en alguno de estos reaturantes, casi siempre tienen un "almacen" con alfajores, quilmes, sidra, etc

Is there a penalty for voting fast without reading answers 'in voting'?

if for example i vote only for the first answer in the row [because i want to gain points fast and don't bother reading the answers] could YA penalize me ... like, is there something in the community guidelines that says thou shalt vote after careful reading ;)

TO ALL NEW YORKERS: What are the Pros and Cons of living in New York?

I live there and it a very busy town...always noise and traffic..and crimes too..but it depends on where in NY

Does Criss Angel Ultimate Magic Kit Come with Rising card?

because in the platinum magic kit it comes with it and i cant find rising card in the booklet!!! HELP

Does the Bible reminds the three basic gods of Babylon?

Mary is in no way a God. And there is only one God. Deut. will confirm that. and the ten commandments

Christians: What do you think of this verse?

Easier said than done. If everyone, esp. Christians lived by that verse the world would be a better place.

Why is my dog acting like this? Is he acting out? Help! :/?

Well if you have carpet i would take out the carpet.. but if you want the smell to go away everyday go over the carpet with a mop and clean it and put some febreze.to quiet him down just tell him to be quiet and leave him in there or jsut ignore him if he wasnt there at all..

How do I put in a CSS code into a HTML Editor? Can I do so?

Try using a CSS skin, then edit the CSS so that it fits your project...that way you dont have to worry about the html(as said above), since the skin would already have it. Another option for CSS is a WYSIWYG editor, as they use CSS to potsition items

Computer help, performance, speed, etc. ?

dont overclock it, that shitty of a setup will probably catch fire and explode(no joke) if you do. just sell your old one and wait until you can by a new one.

Guy help! please help! i'm desperate!?

okay i've just broken up with a guy and i'm heavily crushing on this new guy, i met him 2 or 3 years ago, he is in my youth group at church, i think he likes me 2 but he won't admit it, like when we pray and hold hands with everyone at church, he doesn't Just lightly hold it he actually like squeezes it and our youth minister has us give 5 hugs 3 hi fives and 2 handshakes before we start worship and when he hugs me in that he actually like holds me in like one of those hugs in which neither of you ever want to let go and whenever we say goodbye he gives me one of those great hugs but the thing is he is my best best best friend! i don't know what to do i don't know how to flirt without being too obvious and i don't want to like make my Friends suspicious please help!

Debt consolidation?

I'm going to let you know something that Consolidation groups probaly don't tell you. I used to be a bill collector and I basically called people all day and bugged them to pay their debt, with that I dealt with people who would tell me they were consolidating their debt, and it was my job to talk to the consolidation group and find out what they were going to send on the debt on behalf of the consumer, a lot of these companies get about $300.00/month from a consumer and the Consolidation group will pocket $150.00 and pay off the creditors with about $30.00/month to each creditor the consumers owes a debt to, at that rate you'll never get out of debt....what a rip off! These consolidation groups just do what consumers can do themselves. That is order your credit report from the 3 major credit report agencies and then call the collection agency that now owns your debt, once you find the collection agency (on each debt) it is now time to negotiate, this is where you want to be very nice to the bill collector that ist you (even if they are very rude, they are trained to be like that to get payment), and I say this because that bill collector will be the one who makes the decision on what type of settlement offer they can give you which can be an amount that is up to 60% off the current balance of the debt. Most collection agencies will accept that in 3 payments within a 3 month period with a payment on the account every 30 days. Keep in mind that settling your account will get you a lower credit score than paying the current balance in full. The other thing to keep in mind is that these collectors work off a goal structure, no matter what they say!!!, so obviously they are not going to let you settle for the lowest amount off the back. (And watch for these collection tactics they use just remeber they have to meet a goal each month and their job depends on it) Another option you can go with is just contact the collection agency and set up a payment plan that is good for you .First thing you want to do is find out how much the interest is on the account and the current balance, figure what you can afford and make payments every month, bi weekly, or weekly. also keep in mind that a bill collector tactic when you are not willing to accept a settlement offer, is for the collector to tell you they require something like 10%-30% as a down payment on a monthly payment plan and then you can pay like $200.00/ month on the account until it is paid in full, this is a lie, check your collection laws(Fair Debt Collection Practices Act) for your state and more than likely you will find that if a consumers owes a debt and wants to make a payment on the account than the creditor by law cannot deny that payment even if it is just $1.00, Hence, do what you can afford and if interest is still occurring make sure that your monthly payment covers the interest occurring on the account every month. I know this is a lot of info, but I know a lot of people wonder the same question and if you don't use this info someone else probaly will, Hope it helps you and your boyfriend. Good Luck!

Prenatal testing and petrified! Please help! ?

HIV is a tricky little std and there are many different severitys of it from not noticing at all to genital warts. I'm sure that she circled it because you havn't been tested before and it is the most common std. Good for you to realize that you put yourself in a bad situation and quickly excused yourself from it. Relax, i'm sure you're fine.

Do you agree or disagree: it was God's original plan for women to remain home and care for it?

it's a purely biological situation. In traditional societies, men, who are physically stronger, provide for the family by hunting and long hours of farming. Women become pregnant and feed babies, so it is practical for them to do lighter tasks and remain near the home base, watching children, and doing hearth and home oriented jobs. She teaches the small children until they are old enough to join in support of the family. In modern society, this paradigm does not apply nearly so much, although it does to some extent. God didn't make it a hard and fast rule. It's just a reality. Remember that the nuclear family (man, woman, and children) did not exist until relatively recently. Families were widely extended, with multi-generations and shared jobs. In Bible times, they would have been puzzled to think of a woman who stayed home alone with children.

Is it true?! Has Microsoft finally developed a reliable server solution?

No, I'm not a Apple cheerleader or a Microsoft hater; heck, I'm not even a Linux worshiper, but as a gamer, I can't help but notice that many of the servers I play on are running Linux. The one that aren't, aren't so reliable. Now, I hear that Microsoft has some people switching over for reliability against Linux. Is windows Server 2003 Reliable?

What i have for dinner under thesse cirstances....?

Stop drinking the soda and eat healthy. You are not getting enough nutrition into your body. You are wasting your allotted calories on the soda. Get some protein and veggies in you. I am sure your mom doesn't know you are eating so poorly. You are just going to make yourself sick.

I am trying to find a wedding reception site in Chester County PA- historic/unusual, fall wedding?

I want warmth and atmosphere, something different that won't break the bank. Does anyone know anything in Chester County that would work? Please send your recommendations/suggestions!! Any help is appreciated.

What do I put for exemptions?

Putting zero will make them take the most taxes from you. But, I reccommend putting exempt. If you put exempt and make under $8000 a year you will still owe no taxes to the government at the end of the year. Putting zero is like giving the government an interest free loan. And if you put zero, you will have to file taxes to get a rebate. If you put exempt, you will not have to file your taxes if you made under $8000 a year. If your parents claimed you as dependent, my advice stays the same. The only thing that is different is that in this case you should only claim exempt if you expect to make under $5000 a year.

Has anyone purchased Prenatal heart listening system from Argos (UK)?

the one they sell at argos is from 21 weeks before you can hear your baby the only thing you can hear before that is kicking. i bought the same one from amazon and it was cheaper. i got bored cos i am just 19weeks can't hear anything i had to hire the fetal heart doppler and i can hear babies heart beat clearly

Is this a good workout rotation?

I have about to workouts I rotate through at the time. One is a dumbell workout that works all of the muscle groups, whats wierd is that Im exausted when Im finished with it but my muscles dont seem to get sore which Im not used to. The other is a workout comprised of body weight exercises, alot of the ones from that book combat conditioning. I do cardio at the end of each workout( about ten or 15 minutes) and will soon start adding yoga to my rotation. Neither of the workouts leave me sore the next day but I work up a heavy sweat doing both. I do them in the morning about an hour after eating. I dont have an working scale to track my progress and Ive been doin this 4 about 2 weeks. any advice?

What do you guys think of Cheney's hunting trip?

Why was it such a controversy when a photographer snapped a picture of a small confederate flag hanging inside a garage on the hunt club property?

I have Coyote problems help!!!!?

okay anyways i was puting up Christmas lights outside and i saw a coyote attack and kill a kitten it really scared me to death to where i was shaking, but thats not what i am mostly worried about, im worried about my 3 dogs getting attacked!!! i told the animal shelter and they said they have been getting lots of call about Coyotes in our area, oh ya our naibours cat is missing too, any suggetions or anything what do i do???? i cant just leave my dogs inside they have to use the bathroom so idk?!?!?!

I got my rabbits, WIlliam and Henry?

Thanks to everyone who gave me a real lot of good answers, i got a hutch and a pen, and everything. They've got pellte and carrots and lettuce. Is they anyone else who has rabbits, aren't they funny.

Beginner books for trading on the stock market in the UK?

i have read neither. best book to buy is one that doesn't tell you "how to make money", but ,rather, teaches you the basics of the stock market.

Where can I buy a Rear Center Seat for a Toyota Sienna minivan?

i have a 04 toyota sienna CE. its a 8 penger car. Is it possilbe to add a seat in the center? There are those holes or locks on the floor were the seat could be. btw its a candian model

When you're attracted to someone, are they usually attracted to you?

I am a very insecure average looking person who always doubts myself when I feel someone is attracted to me. I ask myself a million questions, trying to prove the guy isn't attracted to me, so I won't be hurt. I used to always be wrong, but given my age, 43, I feel I have better yzitation skills than I used to. I'm totally hot for this guy I work with, like never before, except for my first love. I'm always right about my gut instint when it comes to my friend's love lives. I tend to sabotage things at the initial stages of dating, so I often never get to the stage where I can really tell if the guy is attracted to me. Also, I've never had a guy this into me as this coworker of mine. He subtly flirts with me and we haven't known each other for very long. He is a very nice guy, too but has an ego too cover his insecurities. Does gut instinct usually prove you right or wrong when you think someone is hot for you, when you've never had many people attracted to you before?

Is SENNELIER a good soft pastel brand ??

Sorry, I'm not a user of them myself, but I am part of a group, some of whom are users of pastels and Sennelier seems to be one of the best. Unfortunately I can't tell you about the pigments - but there are an awful lot of synthetics around. Could you look on Sennelier's website to check?

Am I settling for my boyfriend? If I am, is that really that bad?

I've been with my boyfriend for a year and a half. In the beginning I really cared about him and the was great. I loved being with him. Now I feel like we don't have (and if we do it's not that great), we barely have time to talk (he's out of town most of the time), and I feel like we've lost that "connection" that I used to love about us. I know he still deeply cares for me and loves me. He always says that he wouldn't change a thing about me; unfortunately I don't feel the same way about him. I feel that he's not social enough and he could lose some weight (plus I want him to fix his teeth because they bug me a little bit and he knows that). I feel bad but I'm not sure if I'm just being picky or if I'm settling for a guy that maybe doesn't have everything I want...I mean, he's totally honest, hardworking, loving, caring, attentive, sweet, and my family adores him. More importantly he adores ME! I'm so lost and confused. My last relationship sucked and my bf made me feel like crap so I have no idea what I want out of a guy (other than I don't want a cheater) and I'm not sure if my current relationship has run its course. I don't want to break up with him but sometimes I think it would be better for both of us if I did. What do you guys think?

Why can't Liberals stay tight-lipped in public about Racial issues, like Conservatives do?

There is nothing wrong with revealing the bad characteristics of conservatives that they try to pretend don't exist.

Did jews really do this or is it just made up to make them look bad?

This was a prophesy, to show how low G-d would bring the nation of Israel. It was a warning of what would happen. Its not telling people to eat children, its a violation of Halacha, (Jewish Law). It was meant to drive home a very stark point.

I hurt my knee sledding and it won't stop hurting!?

I went sledding with my brother yesterday (I'm 13 and he's 12) and we were going down the hill in our back yard. I was going down the hill just by climbing on my sled. But my brother wouldn't stop bugging me to get a running start to go farther down the hill (although I was going farther then him already). So after about the 8th time of him asking me I did it. I started running...running...I got to the hill...and jumped down towards my sled. But my left leg was not positioned correctly and instead of landing on my soft sled my knee came down and my knee SLAMMED into the iced ground. I then flipped over and landed on my side. I wasn't able to walk on my leg because of the pain and it was so weak from the impact. So I was carried into the the house by my Dad and after about 30 minutes I could at least move my leg. It got all swollen up and when I bend it, it feels like there's a crap load of pressure in my leg that's stopping my muscles from moving all the way and it HURTS! Today it is still swollen up like last night and still hurts like hell. Any idea what I could have done to it and how I can stop the swelling etc? Thank you!

Trade ? Slaton&Mason for White&Addai?

Would you trade Slaton(Texans R.B.)&Mason(Ravens W.R.) for White(Falcons W.R.)&Addai(Colts R.B.)? I am stacked at R.B. but need W.R. help?

Will this idea for a remote control airsoft vehicle work?

I took apart my electric airsoft gun, and when I touch 2 wires it fires. I plan on using an rc car with headlights to fire it. I want to disconnect thi light wires and connect them to the wires on my gun. So, when I hit the on for the lights it will shoot. Will this work?

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Explain the nature of minority interest & its proper presentation on a consolidated balance sheet.?

The minority interest is part of the company owned by another company. I think the % is around 20%. Part of that equity is theirs and so we want to show that on the balance sheet.

Can menopausal women get cancer?

Yes... and so can men. If you have tissue, you can get cancer. Even Ace Freely of Kiss had cancer recently.

Microsoft Zune Import question?

Is it worth getting the 80 gb for 150 quid? and i dont want any answers that have the word ipod in them

Cotton Schwab is at your house!?

you are cotton schwab. i used to go to schwab's drugstore on the sunset strip. i like thinking that's where lana turner was discovered.

I want to be a Private Investigator - I must have 3 years experience.. what does that mean? 5 stars!?

it means you must have 3 years of work experience in this field as it states. "3 years experience"

Anyone know where I can watch whole Gilmore Girls episodes online?

YouTube doesn't have them anymore. I know it's not allowed but still... I don't want to pay for it. :D

What problems with my turtle?

my turtle seems not to be eating. this lasted for some weeks. mayb this was caused by puting him under the rain. what should i do now? and what should i give him to eat?

What qualifications do you need to be a doorman/bouncer?

Im fairly big and need to do a bit of moonlighting! was thinking of being a bouncer but was wondering what qualifications you need?

Fascinated by a stripper who ask me to see her again. Should I go?

She's a stripper. Strippers are actresses and she's a damn good one. If she was really that into you she'd have met you outside the club instead of telling you to come back. Strippers "give more value" and throw in freebies all the time. It's to get you to come back.

Does the Dark Side use a 6 Sigma practice? Because Darth Vader's outfit sure did shine!!!?

Son, Imperial operational procedures dictate plenty of lag time & spend it at the Death Star lounge!

I really want to make the varsity team?

So next year I really want to make the varsity field hockey team I have been working really hard at building up my stamina by working out all the time! *im so tierd hah* but what are some tricks to making varsity?!?! (my coach hates me because she doesnt like my parents and my uncle but i am a really hard worker so do you think she will ever let me get on varsity?) I am going to be a Junior next year and this was my frist year playing on a team because my freshman year I severly injured my ankle in ballet (3 fractures and i tore all of my ligaments, tendons, and nerves. so i cant run as fast anymore)

Still some good free agents out there. What are they waiting for?

they are waiting for the price to come down. the closer it gets to the start of the season the move leverage the teams have. it's refreshing that players are going to be making less this season.

Just saw a movie called ondine wit collin Ferrell?

Did anyone else think it was the worst movie ever made? Made no sense at all, re only good thing was the girl was smokin what's her name?

How did dia de los muertos begin?

who thought of dia de los muertos,when did this celebration begin,dia de los muertos is a mexican tradition

Do Dreams tell you what you really want?

What if you know something on a subconscious level but don't know it on a conscious level. Will you dream tell you?

Who do you confide in?

Im the exact same way, I usally end up crying and talking to myself about my problems but I meet a great guy that really helps

What's your favorite Bible verse?

What's your favorite Bible verse? This is one of my favorites: "On reaching Jerusalem, Jesus entered the temple area and began driving out those who were buying and selling there. He farted as he overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves, and would not allow anyone to carry marchandise through the temple courts. And as he taught them, he said, "It is not written: My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations? But you have made it a den of robbers." Mark 11:15-17

If we are really in an economic recovery, why did GDP grind to a complete halt for the 1st half of 2011?

A total 1.7% annual growth rate is not really grinding to a complete halt. Not as good as we'd like, but not that bad either.

Monday, November 7, 2011

I am doing a research paper on Physician isted Suicide.....?

My proffesor wants a very narrow subject, can anyone give me ideas on arguments related to PAS. He wants originality. I was thinking of PAS and the disabled or children but cant pinpoint anything good and narrow... Please help with any topics it is to late for me to change my general topic at this point so I need help with getting that down then i will take a stance from there. Thanks!!!

Audio File Editor Question?

I have audacity 1.3 and it allows you to raise or lower the volume level to the left or right It's really a great program. if you want, email me and I can send you some files I created at home with audacity

Anybody any good at interpreting dreams??

I had a weird dream last night that i was looking in the mirror and although it was my hair and body it was my partners face!! And I couldnt get him to look at me so I kept staring and then the face slowly turned and just stared darkly at me! It was a bit spooky!

Need help with my spellcaster deck?

Herald of creation would be a good addition to this deck as it helps get out higher monsters from your graveyard. use it with foolish burial to bring out big hitters fast.

How fare thee on this Sunday? A poem for your thoughts?

Good afternoon, Jack! You always amaze me. The first half of your poem drew me in and I could relate to. I catch myself day dreaming in church sometimes, but, I have never thought of a pew the way you do. You sure do have a vivid imagination. I don't mean that in a negative way, it's an absolutely positive blessing (at least from my point of view). One thing I think I may agree with you about is the moral to your story. Faith is a window we leap through. Good writing. I always admire your talent.

Is it wrong to put puppy outside for short times instead of crate?

Being a new dog owner, and having a 4mth old bichon, is it wrong to put her outside for about an hour while I run an errand? My problem is that I crated her this morning while I showered and got ready and now I need to leave to run an errand. I just feel bad putting her back in the crate after she has been there all night, then for a little over an hour this morning, then only out for 1/2 hour. We have a nice fenced in yard and covered patio and the temp is just a little chilly in the shade. I will only be gone for about an hour.

What shall i do i just upset my mum?

Well more angered her I guess, because she spent like �200 this morning on me for my birthday and christmas even though i said she didn't have to spend that much and she just paid for my costume for my party too even though I told her I was going to buy it but as she told me not to i spent my money on other things like presents for other people and i asked her if she was going to buy the tutu to wear underneath and she said "no i'm not buy it yourself I've just spent loads on you", so I said fine i will i was going to pay for it all anyway but you told me you'd buy it and i don't have the money now i've spent it, and then she was all like on what? drugs? boys? she was only joking but she really annoyed me because she keeps shouting and being stupid trying to be funny and so i shouted at her and now i feel guilty cos she got angry and shouted then went to bed :/

Will I be able to get a job without a Marijuana test in the near future?

I mean, thats the only thing they test for that stays in your body more than a few days. Drug testing companies have used Marijuana as a focal point to sell their products and services since drug testing started. Is it possible that small amounts of mariuana will become legal, therefore flipping the balance of these companies onto the truly dangerous drugs? And leaving me, a proud, family feeding, tax paying, hardworking American alone?

Question about being stuck with someone elses car payment, even though my name is not on it?

my father-in-law just ped away. he had signed for a car for his grown grandaughter about a yr. ago. her credit was so horrible she couldn't even co-sign. the honda civic cost her 21,000.00 at 430.00 a mth for 5 yrs... horrible!!! my husband and i were left with the estate and so today, she decides that she doesn't want the car/car payment and just dropped the car off at our house today. the honda dealership told my husband that 'the estate' is responsible if she doesn't pay. what on earth will we do? we cannot afford it and it is not our responsibility. she works two jobs, lives at home with her mom, no kids... while i am on disability with a small check and my husband doensn't make alot of money!

If I am Catholic, is a duck really a duck?

It seems obvious to me that catholics don't follow the word of God. A little research can easily prove that. Catholic religion is a corrupt system, confusing the mes.

What is criss angel's email?

i want to talk to him.i am his biggest..fan!!ii love his magic freak and his attitude and many wish that he could be born in our "india",,,

I need help identifying my thermostat...?

I don't know what model number my thermostat is but I do know that the brand is from White-Rodgers. Its part of the 1E56/1F56 series and that as far as I know about it. I need the instruction manual quick because my house is really hot! If you can help than I would be most thankful. I think it is one of the obsolete models.

What is your honest opinion on this illegals Deportation Records Fatal Hit & Run 74 yo woman dead?

And that is just one example. Just think about how many other victims of illegals stay under the radar and off mainstream news! There is a genocide of Americans happening because of illegals! And the FAR left media does NOT want us to know about it!

Why do hate the bnp for?

the bnp will look after hardworking britsh people and that rubbish bout imnigrants doing the jobs that we dont want. None of them risk there lifes in the armed forces and if the mines werent closed they wouldnt go down there. they just take the no skilled jobs and british people with no qualications cant get a job and are called lazy it bugs me and im no racist my best mate is black and we both serve are country and both fed up of british people being treated like second cl citizen in are own country

Should my sister sue her doctor or hospital if she is still suffering after having a baby?

my sister just had a baby boy a few weeks ago but there where some complications after she had the baby the doctor pulled the umbilical cord causing the placenta to rupture, they sent her home two days later but she was in so much pain, she was ping blood clots the size of an open hand she had a fever of 102.3, and her heart rate shot up to over 159 we rushed her back to the emergency room where she was admitted and given antibiotics and aspirin for her fever and infection, she was so scared and kept asking was she going to die, because she felt like her heart was going to explode. the following day she wasn't seen by another doctor until almost 8pm in which he very rudely told her that nothing was wrong with her, and all she needed was rest. When I asked him how he came to that essment when she was clearly in pain and suffering. he looked at me and said because I have never seen this before and we had over reacted, I was livid because if she could fake a 102 temperature and a 159 heart rate I think she should get a medal

American Imperialism..history homework help please?

Consider other political measures taken, such as military dictatorship, as of Afghanistan by Russia, War and destruction caused by Iraq in Kuwait, Presence of Indian armed forces (Peace Keeping Force) in Sri Lanka, Chinese occupation of Tibet, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, North Korean military attacks on South Korea, and such measures elsewhere and compare it with American trends in the recent years, and fill in the missing 300 words you need to express UR opinion.

Do rich people have to worry about the speed limit? What happens in this situation?

States ign points for each traffic violation. After a certain number of points, your license is suspended. Although a rich person might not care about a $200 ticket, and may flaunt the law, there is a limit to how much he can flaunt the law. If he drives after he is suspended, and gets caught, he will have thousands of dollars in attorney's fees and a judge who is annoyed with his attitude.

It seems My girl Friend Is Playing With my Head And Emotions can any 1 help?

Im 19 kinda been used a few time so trustin someon isnt easy but i managed to find a girl hu treats me nice well thought she did till a couple of months ago wen i met her best mate now her best mate is nice enough and we became friends i saw more of her best mate i started to find out thing bout my gf i spose i should start at the start she told me she was pregnate i was happy but then she told me she drank to much and killed it by this time i startin to relise summats up then she tells me that baby still in her but not alive and doctor given her tablets every now and again she trys to make me jealous by sayin she sat in bed with other lads and she also ttells me she gonna kill her self then doesnt txt me next day sorry i worried to **** everytime this happens i get further away from her then 3 weeks ago she admited to cheatin me bein a mug that loves her forgave her dno y and ever since she been usin his name to piss me off like last week he supposedly dragged her off somewhere to talk but then she fall out with her best mate and her best mate says she was sat at home she is messin wid ur head i dno wer i am at atm can anyone help

Monkey Business??? Please rate.?

Excellent! Not the run of the mill type. There is a lot of business cunning involved within the humour. I rate it a perfect 10/10.

Meteorology cl question?

During what month of the year would you expect the daytime lake breeze to be strongest in Milwaukee, WI? Explain the answer using both "temperature" and "pressure gradient" in your answer.

Can a prepubescent girl have an ?

I was molested as a young child and was told recently by my molester that he knows I liked it because I would "come all over his face." Is this even possible? I was about 6 at the time.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

I need to know what song is....?

Its an older song an the only the part a can remember is I think the beginning of the song it goes dum dum dumalee dum dum and repeats a couple times I think its on guitar.

Getting into a new Series? OC, Hills, Laguna?

The OC is an amazing show and the 1st season just started airing from the 1st season again on soapnet. def one of my favorite shows

Now that we've suffered under a Marxist for over a year, how bad do you miss GW Bush with his small spending?

bush small spending!!! OK,he did a heck of a job dude... even if i give you facts...it does not concern you.....the G-O-P back in power at all cost....LONG LIVE THE G-O-P.....oh boy...the gr is getting taller to day on y/a.....perpair for the lies...

Why is my dad so overprotective ?

It doesn't make sense to me, b/c he's a total ist perv at the same time. He has no respect for women at all, he even said that all my stepmom should do is cook & clean. And lose weight. Anyways, he would spy on me when I'm talking to people or on the phone and he just woudn't leave me alone.When we watched a movie, my dad would send me out of the room even if it's just a kissing scene, and I wasnt that young. My brother couldve seen it at a younger age. I had to put up with all of this my whole life, and he would treat my brother so much better. When my brother got me mad, my dad yelled at me or told my brother "dont worry, she'll get over it, shes just a girl." He would also treat me as if I'm an idiot and make fun of me and laughed when my brother did too. But now, I have to hide myself from him, because of the frustruation this has caused me. I dress like a boy around him and act as if I'm gay/ed. I don't think I could ever have a good relationship with him now.

Are there any strings attached to "nectar cards"?

It depends on what you think of as strings. the benefit of a nectar card for the controller is being able to gain market research on what you buy in stores such as sainsbury's, thus giving them a good idea of what you like to buy and sending you offers which appeal to you and make them more money. If this dosent annoy you then , no. It's big brother again, isnt it?

Is Devon Alexander overrated and do you think he will beat Kotelnik?

Everyone talks about Alexander, Maidana and Bradley as the 3 best in the Light WW division, but as i'm English and a fan of Amir Khan, i think a lot of people underrate Khan and think he is just speed with no chin, but i would love to see him clear up the Light WW division. I know it will be very hard, but i'm sure with the right frame of mind, good training and tactics he could do it.

How do you start a conversation with someone you like?

I'm on Facebook right now. I kinda wanna talk to my guy friend, but I feel like it'll probably just go, "hi." "hi." "sup? "nm you?" "same" "kay..." rawr. I hate that so much. lol What are some random conversations I could bring up? Just general stuff.

Why did Quakers object to world war I?

Quakers object to all wars period. They are pacifists. They don't willingly participate in any wars.

What kind of stratocaster?

http://www.amazon.com/Fender-Starcaster-Strat-Pack-Sunburst/dp/B0019421EY/ref=sr_1_7?ie=UTF8&s=musical-instruments&qid=1229987357&sr=1-7 what kind of strat is this, a squire, mexican made, fat squire hss squire, plz tell me