Thursday, November 10, 2011

In Need of Clearing Up Former Question?

Okay soooo i think I should explain a little more about my former question. I was experiencing all of those things, and whether they were psychological or not no one can know, but i was definitely experiencing them. I'm fairly thin and very in tune with my body, so I normally notice the slightest changes. Lately, there have been a lot of changes in my stomach that i can't explain, especially since i've since LOST 5 pounds. I know that birth control may or may not be affected by antibiotics, but my cycle must have been messed up by something because the short light period was abnormal and so was the red breakthrough bleeding. It was a one time mistake, and I am 21 and my boyfriend is 22 so we are not children. I DID go to my doctor but he basically dismissed me and just prescribed me new birth control - I asked him for a blood test but he replied that his urine test could NOT be wrong. I will be going to my pcp in a week and i'll ask her about the bloodwork there. My question was whether or not anyone was going through or had gone through something

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