Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Guy help! please help! i'm desperate!?

okay i've just broken up with a guy and i'm heavily crushing on this new guy, i met him 2 or 3 years ago, he is in my youth group at church, i think he likes me 2 but he won't admit it, like when we pray and hold hands with everyone at church, he doesn't Just lightly hold it he actually like squeezes it and our youth minister has us give 5 hugs 3 hi fives and 2 handshakes before we start worship and when he hugs me in that he actually like holds me in like one of those hugs in which neither of you ever want to let go and whenever we say goodbye he gives me one of those great hugs but the thing is he is my best best best friend! i don't know what to do i don't know how to flirt without being too obvious and i don't want to like make my Friends suspicious please help!

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