Monday, November 7, 2011

What shall i do i just upset my mum?

Well more angered her I guess, because she spent like �200 this morning on me for my birthday and christmas even though i said she didn't have to spend that much and she just paid for my costume for my party too even though I told her I was going to buy it but as she told me not to i spent my money on other things like presents for other people and i asked her if she was going to buy the tutu to wear underneath and she said "no i'm not buy it yourself I've just spent loads on you", so I said fine i will i was going to pay for it all anyway but you told me you'd buy it and i don't have the money now i've spent it, and then she was all like on what? drugs? boys? she was only joking but she really annoyed me because she keeps shouting and being stupid trying to be funny and so i shouted at her and now i feel guilty cos she got angry and shouted then went to bed :/

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