Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Do you think that one of this president's greatest crimes (besides the war and the of our Constitution) i

the politicizing of the scientific and medical communities? We used to be innovators. We used to have scientific breakthroughs every week - and yes - we still do - but we know for a fact that Bush has used his jesus beliefs to put pressure on scientists to hide the FACTS of global warming. I had to follow the majority rules when you idiots elected this moron - you have to do the same on the global warming. there are a handful of Regent "college" graduates that were trained to think that global warming is a myth - and the bush crime administration puts pressure on everyone to downplay it - all so his corporate backers don't have to make changes to cut into his profits. I only hope that when the **** truly hits the fan - it's his daughters that are hit by the carnage. Also - why in the hell would he see fit to censor the surgeon general? Why would he want his jesus beliefs to halt medical science? Why is he such an egomaniacle idiot that he had to hear his name nine times in

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