Friday, November 11, 2011

2 way radios or handheld CB radio with a station?

I'm deployed currently and i'm looking for a way to communicate unsecure for about 5+ miles. If I went with a CB radio and station I could have an antenna mounted at a pretty high elevation in relation to the surrounding area. I have no access to ICOMs and the ones I do have are going out and I need a replacement. These communications will not be for secure chatter just a way to stay in contact with my Soldiers as they are out and about on the FOB. Obviously 2 way radios would be preferred as they are smaller and easier to keep track of i'm just concerned with their range. We have a lot of concrete barriers so i'm uming that the CB is going to be the best bet. If I have to go this route does anyone have some suggestions for the base and handheld units? I'm trying to keep the price down as this will be an out of pocket expense. Thanks for any answers!

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